Review: Work Wonders: Feed Your Dog Raw Meaty Bones

Work Wonders: Feed Your Dog Raw Meaty Bones
Work Wonders: Feed Your Dog Raw Meaty Bones by Tom Lonsdale

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Work Wonders is a very easy to follow, and understand, explanation of what we should all be feeding our canine companions and the reasons why. Every other sub species of the Grey Wolf such as the Dingo, Arctic Wolf and Arabian Wolf seek out a diet very similar to that of the parent species Canus Lupus (the Grey Wolf) so why are we not all providing a similar diet to our dogs, Canus Lupus Familiaris? They are after all essentially modified house wolves.

Work Wonders is simplified for the layman. I, with my simple mind read it in a few hours and misunderstood nothing (as far as I know).
For those wanting more in depth scientific, mind blowing information, I recommend Raw Meaty Bones, also by Tom Lonsdale.

View all my reviews

Buddha on the RMB

Raw Meaty Bones
That's all my dogs, Ellie & Buddha, have been eating since September 14th, 2011. Prior to this they had always been fed chicken wings & drumsticks, the occasional lamb shank, and little lamb ribs when we first adopted them last year at the tender age of 8 weeks.
However, we were also feeding them kibble and other factory processed "dog food" (because that's what was recommended by the vet at the time so of course you do what you're led to believe is best for the puppies) and God only knows what cheap bottom shelf muck they were fed on at the pound having just been ripped from their canine mother's teats far too early.

Poor Buddha, the runt of the litter, 2.1 kg when first we weighed him, with tiny lumps on his tiny head from where his siblings had been having a good chew to relieve their teething discomfort as they had nothing else to chew on but each other. What's worse is he smelt like death. His tongue was constantly slimy and when his droppings weren't sloppy puddings they exploded out his back end with a vomit inducing stench.

Little Ellie, as outwardly healthy as she appeared, expelled a different unpleasant odour from her skin and her breath carried the smell of dog excrement because she kept eating it.

Unknown to us, it was not the Supercoat kibble or Tucker Time rolls, that were keeping our puppies' coats nice and shiny, it was the raw chicken they crunched away on every day and the fact we only bathed them twice in their lives instead of washing all the natural beneficial oils from the dogs' skin every week. The processed pet food was the culprit that made them sick.

Buddha's smell did improve gradually, as did the consistency of his droppings. Yet every 5 to 6 weeks he was back to the vet to get the same stomach bug treated again and again. In addition they both did their fair share of excrement eating of which no vet, breeder, or any other "expert" seemed to know the reason.

This pattern was the standard from mid July 2010 to mid September 2011 when we decided to try the new local vet as it's a few minutes away and Ellie gets car sick.
Dr Tom Lonsdale of Raw Meaty Bones fame (or infamy if you're a junk pet food company or Vet funded by one) suggested merely removing all the supermarket pet food from their diet and seeing what happens.

48 hours was all it took for the unpleasant odours to dissipate completely. Ellie was much happier now that she was being cuddled and not pushed away. A few days more and we noticed the dogs were no longer eating their own faeces, were more content, had more energy, and no longer tried to claw through a person's face just to get a cuddle.
Almost a month later, we are now noticing fur regrowing in the small patch on the chins of both dogs just below the bottom lip where for many months it had been bald.

Some of you may be squeamish at the thought of your dog eating big messy raw chunks of meat and bone such as chicken frames, lamb heads, lamb necks, ox gullet, ox heart, ox liver, ox stomach, cute fluffy bunny rabbits, etc. But what makes you more squeamish, that, or constantly spending a fortune on the cleverly disguised slow working poison that is kibble and tinned dog food and subsequently paying the vet a fortune because of the health problems caused by such so called food?

Here's a tip: Instead of looking at the dismembered rabbit, just look at the dog having a great time eating his natural diet.

Buddha & The Rabbit

Buddha & The Fish

Our new vet has been a real eye opener to the health problems caused by all the junk that is advertised as healthy for our pets and recommended by so many vets that "make a killing" by slowly poisoning our four legged family members in order to reap the profits of regular vet visits, check ups, and otherwise unnecessary surgeries.
He also answered the question no other vet could/would.

Why were they eating their own poop? Simply because the kibble and such does not contain what is needed by the dog until it has made its way near the end of the digestive system where it is infested with enzymes and other bits and pieces that the dog needs, therefore the dog picks it up the second time through.

It's not just a shame, it's essentially criminal that so many junk food companies pushing this poison as "healthy", "essential", and everything else that it isn't, and all the vets are along for the ride. It has even reached the stage where veterinary students are being falsely taught that these slow working poisons are essential for a dog's well being.

So, now what's making you squeamish?

Why animals are better than people.

My dog, Buddha, has a friend. His friend is a Schnauzer named Teddy. Teddy lives on a farm. This farm has lots of open space and there are chickens running around. My other dog, Ellie, isn't too fond of other dogs but she tolerates them for the most part and she loves running around as well.

Yesterday I took Ellie and Buddha to visit Teddy on the farm. Teddy's Mummy and Daddy are going away soon so they had their grumpy-bum house sitter there. He's an old grump who likes dogs that sit quiet and never bark, growl, or grizzle. So really he likes dogs that are more like broken in horses than actual dogs.
Anyway, Buddha remembered the grump from last year when we went to check on Teddy and discovered the poor puppy tied to the tractor (for barking) and being yelled at to shut up.

-- Congratulations!!! You are trying to stop a dog barking by essentially barking back at him. --

Thanks to where we had parked and the fact we left our dogs in the car, right in between Teddy and the grump, Buddha & Ellie no doubt thought they were being yelled at.
So on yesterday's visit upon seeing the grump Buddha immediately started to growl. "I remember you, fucker." would be the English translation. Ellie and Buddha jumped out of the car, Buddha grizzled a bit more at the grump before greeting a happily yapping Teddy with the customary sniff sniff and whatnot. We had to wait about half an hour for Teddy's Mummy to arrive home from shopping.
Of course, when Teddy decided it was necessary to bark to sound the alert to us all that he could hear his Mummy coming home in the distance (still miles away) the grump took it upon himself to grab poor Teddy by the collar & drag him inside to isolation for punishment, or more accurately, pointless confusion. Buddha took exception to this.
The grump grabbed Teddy by the collar and dragged him inside with Buddha not three steps behind. "Hold on a minute Fucker, just what do you think you're doing dragging my friend away from the watchful eyes of witnesses?" Satisfied that he had foiled any attempts of assault Buddha came back outside but only when he was sure the grump was coming out too and that Teddy was safe.
Once she had arrived home Teddy was allowed out to greet his Mum with much louder than usual barking too rub it into the grump that "I can bark and you can't stop me!"
Later in the day when we, dogs and all, were inside for coffee, the grump walked passed the door to the disapproving growls of Buddha. The second time he walked past both Buddha and Ellie growled at him. The third time he came to the door and the dogs growled he looked down at Buddha and said "Ya wanna get smacked in the head?" that was the straw that did it.
Woof Woof Grr Grr Woof Grizzle Grr!!!

The moral of the story?
Dogs will defend their friends and dogs will hold a grudge, but unlike humans they won't hide it or sugar coat it, and they will remind you of it at each opportunity even when the one they defend is ready to forgive and forget.

How is this different from people?
Some people simply don't get along. If a dog and a person don't get along it is because the person is at fault.