Somewhat Concerning

I'm 26, I was still in high school less than 10 years ago. I heard some rather grotesque phrases back then from some rather undesirable teens, but nothing as bad as what just came out of the mouth of a teenager riding his bike past my house with his mates just minutes ago.

 "Dirty little rapist. That's the way"

The sad thing is this was said as a term of confirmation, agreement, acceptance, and encouragement. The really pathetic thing is that his mate he said it too was not offended by being called a "dirty little rapist."
Did I miss something? Have I spent the last 8 years living as a hermit? It seems "dirty little rapist" has become a suitable replacement for "good man" or "legend" somewhere since 2004.
 If this is what the so called young adults are like today just what on Earth will their children be like in 20 to 30 years?

BSL Has Not, Does Not & Never Will Work.

To quote Billy Connolly... 

'Them pit bulls are bought by those spectacular tattooed fuckwits, you know. It's a shark on a leash, isn't it, this pointy head, the eyes at the corners, a row of teeth and an arsehole. And Parliament, they were going to kill them all.
"Let's shoot the fuckers." "No, let's cut the balls off." "Let's shoot them, and cut the balls off." "No, let's cut the balls off firs
t, then shoot the fuckers." "Shooting's too good for them, let's give them a hefty kick in the balls."
And you know what, they sat up till four o'clock in the morning, and they all get pissed and had a sing-song. You see, that's Paliament. You see, they let you believe that they make decisions in there, and the laws. But they don't. It's a big shockabsorber, Parliament. Good ideas go in and they fucking bash them about, and they fuck them up and do things... take them to committee, and out of committee and then another wee committee and a subcommittee. And it comes out a shadow of its former self, you know, of use to no bugger.
The dogs, will we shoot them, or will we cut their balls off? Decision: We'll make people register them at the post office. Now, that's got the tattooed fuckwits shaking in their shoes. "Oh no, not the post office! What're we gonna do? I don't even know where my savings book is."'

No offence to those with body art but this highlights the fact that the dogs are not the problem. The problem is the irresponsible owners regardless of ink, and ignorance of elected officials making life or death decisions about our four legged family members.
Eradicate the Pitbull "menaces" and the problem dog owners will chose different breeds to train poorly, mistreat and neglect. Next thing we know there'll be some politician who knows nothing about Golden Retrievers calling for them to be banned because some drop-kick got bitten when he tried to mug a blind person.

Breed Specific Legislation does not work in any form.