Somewhat Concerning

I'm 26, I was still in high school less than 10 years ago. I heard some rather grotesque phrases back then from some rather undesirable teens, but nothing as bad as what just came out of the mouth of a teenager riding his bike past my house with his mates just minutes ago.

 "Dirty little rapist. That's the way"

The sad thing is this was said as a term of confirmation, agreement, acceptance, and encouragement. The really pathetic thing is that his mate he said it too was not offended by being called a "dirty little rapist."
Did I miss something? Have I spent the last 8 years living as a hermit? It seems "dirty little rapist" has become a suitable replacement for "good man" or "legend" somewhere since 2004.
 If this is what the so called young adults are like today just what on Earth will their children be like in 20 to 30 years?

BSL Has Not, Does Not & Never Will Work.

To quote Billy Connolly... 

'Them pit bulls are bought by those spectacular tattooed fuckwits, you know. It's a shark on a leash, isn't it, this pointy head, the eyes at the corners, a row of teeth and an arsehole. And Parliament, they were going to kill them all.
"Let's shoot the fuckers." "No, let's cut the balls off." "Let's shoot them, and cut the balls off." "No, let's cut the balls off firs
t, then shoot the fuckers." "Shooting's too good for them, let's give them a hefty kick in the balls."
And you know what, they sat up till four o'clock in the morning, and they all get pissed and had a sing-song. You see, that's Paliament. You see, they let you believe that they make decisions in there, and the laws. But they don't. It's a big shockabsorber, Parliament. Good ideas go in and they fucking bash them about, and they fuck them up and do things... take them to committee, and out of committee and then another wee committee and a subcommittee. And it comes out a shadow of its former self, you know, of use to no bugger.
The dogs, will we shoot them, or will we cut their balls off? Decision: We'll make people register them at the post office. Now, that's got the tattooed fuckwits shaking in their shoes. "Oh no, not the post office! What're we gonna do? I don't even know where my savings book is."'

No offence to those with body art but this highlights the fact that the dogs are not the problem. The problem is the irresponsible owners regardless of ink, and ignorance of elected officials making life or death decisions about our four legged family members.
Eradicate the Pitbull "menaces" and the problem dog owners will chose different breeds to train poorly, mistreat and neglect. Next thing we know there'll be some politician who knows nothing about Golden Retrievers calling for them to be banned because some drop-kick got bitten when he tried to mug a blind person.

Breed Specific Legislation does not work in any form.

Big Issue?

One of the big issues constantly getting a lot of media attention is the self contracting subject of Internet Privacy. It's a pretty good bet that if something's on the Internet it's not fucking private and that's not about to change any time soon. Basically, if you really want your blog to be private try buying a diary and a pen.

Note for the teenagers: A diary is a book full of blank pages intended for keeping track of important dates/events, or to simply keep a log of your boring life if it's that important to you. You can buy a diary from most supermarkets, department stores, and newsagents. A newsagents is a shop where, to this day, you can still buy a wide range of news papers and magazines among other items such as stationary and gift cards. We're talking real things here, not packets of electronic data, real physically tangible objects.

If you're after security there are ways to defend against cyber attacks. There's anti-virus software, there's anti-malware & anti-spyware software, there are firewalls, there's file encryption, there's password protection, etc, etc, etc. There are also ways around all of it for those who's social lives are so fruitful that they spend all day everyday online learning more ways to cripple a computer system simply because they can. If you're concerned about certain information that may be on your computer you always have the option of not putting that computer online. You always have the option of not looking at that virus riddled porn site. You always have the option of not putting someone else's USB device in your poorly protected computer. You also have the beautiful option of using an operating system other than Windows.

The short story is as follows.
If you use a Windows OS, surf the net with Internet Explorer, don't back-up your data to an external storage device, use Windows Live for all your email needs, click on banner ads & suspicious links, set your firewall to allow everything, and put up pictures and info about yourself online that may end up biting you on the arse and have never looked at your account & privacy settings... you and your computer are both sitting ducks.

Have fun with that.

Review: The Spider Goddess

The Spider Goddess
The Spider Goddess by Tara Moss

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Many sequels leave the audience wondering why anyone even bothered to make the sequel. This is generally because the sequel was rubbish, or had nothing to do with the first except for a theme or location.
Don't stress. This is not one of those of those sequels.

Like all good sequels The Spider Goddess steps it up a few notches to keep the reader turning the pages. Tara Moss's heroine, Pandora English, is thrown deeper into the dark & mysterious world of the supernatural in nightmarishly skin crawling fashion that would give Buffy the Vampire Slayer cause for concern.

If you're not much of a novel addict, the Pandora English series is the literary heroin to get you hooked...

...only with out any nasty side effects. Well, except for gnawing on you finger nails in anticipation for the next hit i.e. The Skeleton Key.

View all my reviews

Shopping at the Tip

Spalding leather golf bag: $20
  • Rapier Australia High Calibre 700 Putter: $5
  • PGF 707 Golden Goddess Enchantress Stainless Steel Sand Wedge: $5
  • Exclusive Stainless Steel Pitching Wedge: $5
  • PGF Status MK X 3 Iron: $5
  • Cobra Tour Model 4 Iron: $5
  • PGF Statesman Power Sole 5 Iron: $5
  • PGF Statesman Power Sole 6 Iron: $5
  • PGF Inceptor OS Series Three 7 Iron: $5
  • Cobra Tour Model 8 Iron: $5
  • Cobra Tour Model 9 Iron: $5
  • Cobra U.S.A. 3 Wood: $5
  • Cobra U.S.A 5 Wood: $5
  • Cougar 7 Wood: $5

Aussie Aussie Aussie? Some Of Us Still Are.

We play cricket in the summer, dressed in trousers and long sleeves while standing around in the stinking hot sun. We play rugby in the winter with just T-shirts and shorts in the freezing night air. In the summer we slave over hot barbecues in the middle of the day. That's part of what makes us Australian.

We drop everything at our paid & air conditioned jobs to go fight bush fires with no thought of reward. We ski behind boats on crocodile infested rivers and swim in shark infested oceans. That's part of what makes us Australian.

We laugh when people fall, then we help them up. We welcome new neighbours whatever their heritage and are always keen to lend a hand.
That's part of what makes us Australian.

We'll try anything once. We'll give it a go until we're blue in the face. We'll do it the hard way if we know the hard way works. That's part of what makes us Australian.

If you lost a limb to a shark then got back on the surf board... if you got bitten by a dog and accepted that you probably deserved it... if you look after your own when they need more than others... if you're willing to give when you have nothing to spare... if you have a drink in remembrance on ANZAC Day... if you celebrate Christmas and Easter even though you're not religious... if you want your five cents change from the pizza boy but drop the last of your coins in the bar worker's tip jar... if you can take a joke and laugh at yourself...

...that's part of what makes you Australian.

But if you sit on your backside all day, refuse to do the grunt work and then complain about immigrants stealing our jobs that's part of what makes you lazy and weak.

If you eat Indian curries, Turkish kebabs, Mexican tacos, Italian pasta, and then tell the foreigners to go back to where they came from that's part of what makes you xenophobic and racist.

If you treat ANZAC Day as a cause for celebration instead of commemoration... if you're opposed to homosexuals, bisexuals & transsexuals just because they're different... if you can't tolerate our multicultural society...

Then maybe the true blue Aussies who have come from all over the world don't want you here. Perhaps the yuppies in the city and the bushies from the outback are sick of you flying our flag while spouting your prejudices. Maybe we, the fair dinkum Australians, would like you to stop labelling your Neo-Nazi fascism as Aussie pride and piss off back you came from!