Somewhat Concerning

I'm 26, I was still in high school less than 10 years ago. I heard some rather grotesque phrases back then from some rather undesirable teens, but nothing as bad as what just came out of the mouth of a teenager riding his bike past my house with his mates just minutes ago.

 "Dirty little rapist. That's the way"

The sad thing is this was said as a term of confirmation, agreement, acceptance, and encouragement. The really pathetic thing is that his mate he said it too was not offended by being called a "dirty little rapist."
Did I miss something? Have I spent the last 8 years living as a hermit? It seems "dirty little rapist" has become a suitable replacement for "good man" or "legend" somewhere since 2004.
 If this is what the so called young adults are like today just what on Earth will their children be like in 20 to 30 years?


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