The Blood Countess by Tara Moss
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Remember the old Sega and Nintendo games that you just couldn't put down once you got home and started playing them? Remember how you got wisped away into to Video Game World and before you knew it you had finished the whole game, and how the feeling immediately after was a mix of wanting to play it all again and the anticipation and impatience of waiting for the sequel? Perhaps that's just me.
Either way that's what hit me when my eyes reached the last word of the last sentence of the last page of the last chapter of The Blood Countess.
So now, not only am I waiting eagerly for a certain Canadian Amazon Psycho Magnet, Makedde Vanderwall, to full on go postal in Assassin, I'm also busting to see what kind of Hairy Scary Hobgoblin jumps out at Pandora English in The Spider Goddess
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