Ellie - The Terror
Buddha - My Little Mate
Two of them.
Yes, that's right. I have recently acquired two fury little four legged family members. Their names are Ellie and Buddha. Ellie is a million miles an hour, only stopping to eat, drink, sniff, and occasionally sleep. Buddha is the quieter and slower of the two terrorists. They are a bit of this and that crossed with God knows what. They are both mostly black with a touch of white. The pound said foxy cross, others have said boarder collie, kelpie, staffy, and even blue heeler. What ever they are they're adorable.
The day after we brought them home, the 3rd of August, Ellie weighed 2.4kg and Buddha 2.1. The next day Ellie was 2.6 and Buddha 2.2. On the 12th they were 3 and 3.4 respectively. When again weighed on the 16th Ellie was 3.6 and Buddha 3.4.
Buddha's catching up.
As noisy, cheeky, naughty, and annoying as they can be, they make life worth living.
It's true.
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