Where to start? Well first of all I noticed a distinct absence the of BIG industry players Microsoft, Apple, Google... Hell, I didn't even see anything to do with Linux. It's meant to be an I.T. business and technology exhibition. Where were the big boys? Where were the market giants? Gygabyte was there. McAfee, AVG, Norton - they were there. But how's this for a joke? Bloody BigPond wasn't even there!
Ok fair enough, different businesses get different results from it each year. Some decide it's not worth it, others don't register in time. But the ones that do register, and do exhibit, and do go to the trouble of having a rather expensive and professional looking set up, for those companies, if you insist on displaying scantily clad women to get your sales up... it doesn't really work all that well. Yeah you get a lot of guys coming over to "check out the talent" but they're not thinking about your products.
And I just had an interruption which screwed up my entire train of thought so this is where this post ends.
I hate being assessed through imaginary scenarios, I absolutely detest it. Why? Because performing well with an imaginary scenario in no way reflects how someone will perform in the actual situation when the shit hits the fan.
You can be a qualified chef and cook food that isn't fit for any species' consumption, but because you met assessment criteria you have the certificate. Today I succeeded in completing a fire brigade Crew Leader assessment which consisted of Theory questions and 3 practical scenarios. In these practical scenarios there is an imaginary fire, marked out with barrier tape and it is the crew leader's responsibility to assess & size up the situation and act accordingly utilising the crew and resources available. My concern is that apart from assessment day nerves there is no real pressure except for time constraints whereas in a real situation there would be smoke, heat, flames, wind and everything else really happening and therefore really testing your skills, but at the same time giving you something real to react to.
As far as I'm concerned a person can do extremely well in these types of assessments and then go out, stuff up horrible and get people hurt or killed because they crumble under pressure. Other people can be the best at what they do, know it inside and out, perform expertly under pressure but fail at the assessment because they have trouble visualising imaginary flames and smoke.
OHS regulations are a big problem because we are not allowed to run assessments with active flame. But hang on a minute, a person without the crew leader qualification can still end up leading a crew at a real fire. So why not base the assessment on how a person actually does perform out on the field, it's not that hard to do it that way... in theory.
I've been doing some thinking lately. Some things that I should have thought more about I've probably not thought about enough, some things that should probably just be a minor consideration I've most likely been over thinking, and some really weird stuff has been creeping into my already weird dreams at night.
If dreams are the subconscious trying to tell us something I do wish it would just spit it out! I mean why would a girl who was 2 years ahead of me in school, who I had nothing to do with, who, ok, is quite attractive but I've never even thought about, be reading my palms telling me one of them has changed? What on Earth is that supposed to mean? I'm not having nightmares. I'm not getting recurring images of extreme situations, stressful moments, or fatalities I've dealt with... just really weird unrelated crap.
And why do I get that Déjà vu feeling a shit load but never with anything important? I'm sure winding a car window up is not something that should be that memorable.
Anyway, there's a wee insight into my mental realm.
Handling Dangerous Dogs Workshop - $70 Responsible Service of Alcohol - $115 Cert II Horticulture - $219 Cert IV Networking - $934 Diploma in I.T. - $1242 Cert IV Training & Assessment - $2690
Trying to decide just what to do with your life - Priceless.
Your passin' broke the silence On that dark October day The sun was headin' for the west As it did I heard you say I set my sail for a gentle breeze Now I leave this world as it was meant to be And you, did you listen to anything I said? Did you ever listen to me?
Though now it seems you'll never know But every lad to a man must grow Till winter comes to celebrate Then proudly chills the bone When at last they bury me Into this ground you'll someday see And you, did you listen to anything I said? Did you ever listen to me?
Though the face we wear Sometimes seldom speaks From the babe that cries To this grown man's feet May the hand still write And its' heart shape keep Till our fathers, sons and daughters agree
So I will pave this road till glory Sets our broken spirit free From every cross-soaked nail pours endless rain With tears no eye should see But they could fill our highest ocean And the rivers in between With every blade that flowers must grow then drown With love our cruelest sea
So with a wonder and a wild desire I will crawl from under every weight With a wonder and a wild desire Bless the day it was I shared your name Yesterday forever speaks your grave
Hail the shower from the broadside To the heavens down below Draw one last breath from your fanning ship Sink the hunger in us all Shake the hand that speaks of freedom Kiss hate one final bow Till each twilight falls then rests till dawn and tomorrow's never sleep
So with a wonder and a wild desire I will crawl from under every weight With a wonder and a wild desire Bless the day it was I shared your name With each word forever speaks your grave
And of the fool we shall not mention That depraves the cries of youth Drag not your strength from government But from the voices they abuse
So with a wonder and a wild desire I will crawl from under every weight With a wonder and a wild desire Bless the day it was I shared your name Yesterday forever speaks your grave
Only time will tell when this rain of hell, shall wither in defeat Separate the bread they forgot to share, till the milk still left to feed Though this body aches then disappeared into the ground, our seeds He said, "I'd, I'd always comfort thee"
So I will pave this road to glory Watch as our broken spirits soar Resignate with perfect reason Shut life's last gloomy door
So with a wonder and a wild desire I will crawl from under every weight With a wonder and a wild desire Bless the day it was I shared your name With a wonder and a wild desire I will crawl from under every weight With a wonder and a wild desire Bless the day it was I shared your name Yesterday forever speaks your grave
I would follow you, Into the depths of Hell. When you feel trapped and alone, I would gladly share your cell. In the darkest hour, You are the strongest light. From the greatest distance, You warm coldest the night.
I'm still alive Must have been a miracle It's been a hell of ride Destination still unknown It's a fact of life: If you make one wrong move with the gun to your head You better walk the line or you'll be left for dead
I'm a runaway train on broken track I'm a ticker on a bomb, you can't turn back this time That's right I got away with it all and I'm still alive Let the end of the world come tumbling down I'll be the last man standing on the ground As long as hot blood runs trough my veins I'm still alive
Lost in the night Feeling so invisible Oh, a dead man walking the wire High above the devils net That's made of fire And it's a long way down from the top of the world You better look around or you gonna get burned
I'm a runaway train on broken track I'm a ticker on a bomb, you can't turn back this time That's right I got away with it all and I'm still alive Let the end of the world come tumbling down I'll be the last man standing on the ground And as the dust wheels look in my eyes I'm still alive I'm still alive
The darkest night ain't black enough To keep the morning light from shinin' The highest wall ain't tall enough To keep the smallest man from climbin'
The more that you resist the tide The more it pulls you in The more you hang on for your life
(I'm a runaway train on broken track) (I'm a ticker on a bomb, you can't turn back this time) (that's right) That's right I got away with it all and I'm still alive
I'm a runaway train on broken track I'm a ticker on a bomb, you can't turn back this time That's right I got away with it all and I'm still alive Let the end of the world come tumbling down I'll be the last man standing on the ground And if my shadow's all that survives I'm still alive I'm still alive...
Day to day life is a constant struggle between acceptance and intolerance. Do I let this person off or do I beat him to a pulp? To beat or not to beat? That is the question which plagues us each day. Does this feral deserve to go on living? Is this person worth the effort of annihilation? Here's a moral dilemma to consider.
You're at a bar with you girlfriend enjoying the peaceful atmosphere when in stroll a bunch of tattooed greasy fuck lumps to ruin your otherwise splendid evening. You choose to ignore them and enjoy your night out. While having a deep and meaningful with the angelic beauty before you one of these undesirable scum bags struts over to you table, pulls up a chair, and so all the patrons in the bar can hear utters the words "Ya wanna drop this fag and come be the pig on a spit with me and my mates?" He's offended you, but even worse, he has offended the woman you admire the most. Do you ignore him and hope he goes away? Do you sit back and let her embarrass and belittle him in front of his gang because you know she is strong and capable? Or, do you you get up and make a stand to defend her honour knowing there is only one of you and five of them?
The sad fact is most of the guys that would make a stand are viewed as doing so for their own pride, most of the guys who choose to ignore the guy are seen to be doing so out of fear and intimidation, and the guy who let's the woman take care of herself is viewed by most as being weak and cowardly.
Other side of the fact is that only a few of the first group are doing so out of some chivalrous set of values, only a few from the second group ignore him due to intelligence, and only a few from the third group see the female as an equal.
We're still in an old fashioned world with old fashioned values and people do not change their ways readily despite how easy it is. There are far too many successful cold turkey quitters to justify any sympathy for smokers who use the addiction as an excuse for not giving it up. There are far too many cold turkey quitters to justify feeling any sympathy for relapsing alcoholics. There is no justification for harming another being unprovoked yet people still do it.
The world tolerates situations it should be fixing. The world could do more to cater for the disabled. The world should do less to cater for the morbidly obese. Instead of raising cigarette prices just abolish them all together, yes people will complain but they'll eventually get over it when they can breathe properly. The world keeps making cars that run on fossil fuels to keep the oil companies happy. How about making cars that just run on battery power to keep the battery companies happy?
There's a lawn that needs mowing. There's a mower in the garage. I have an assessment in less than 2 weeks, I should study up. Meh.
I would have a lot more day to day enthusiasm if it didn't seem that I can't scratch myself without some bullshit problem occurring the very next day.
You can't make everyone happy all the time. That doesn't bother me. What bothers me is those unhappy fuckers putting their 10 cents worth into what doesn't concern them and creating problems for others who are just trying to do their best to get a fair go and give others a fair go. Unfortunately there's always one or two selfish sods who consider themselves to be above everyone else, the people that bitch and moan until they get their own way, the people that believe the rules only apply to everyone else, the people that like to boss others around to make themselves feel good, the people that keep stepping out of line and crossing the mark because others are intimidated by them and won't stop them. Because of this these people get to waltz around feeling important while throwing their weight around and the people who are in charge sit back and let it happen. Why? Because when it comes down to it that's all they can do. Some one steps out of line all they get as punishment is a pleasant conversation over tea and scones which shits me because the people who basically get penalised are people who are trying to get things right.
There's $10.35 in my wallet. All I feel like doing is sleeping. What I want to do is beat the living shit out of one or two painfully irritating people who have no business inhaling oxygen in this universe. It's an interesting sensation feeling the desire to behead a person with a blunt object yet having no motivation to even bother holding a begrudged conversation. The mind says "Fuck 'em," the body says "fuck it."
On one hand I'm over it. On the other hand I'll show the bastards. You can't keep me down. I'll take whatever bullshit you can throw at me and when it's over and done with if I've gone anywhere, I've gone higher up. I won't lower myself to anyone else's standards. There's better people than me out there, there's also far worse!
Well I got bored with the old layout. Everything was squished over to the left so the right side of the screen was pretty empty looking. I'm much happier with this new layout. It's more centred, it's more open, It's more inviting. Enjoy :)
What's going on? Everywhere I look there's pregnant teenagers, or mothers in their early twenties with children old enough to have a detailed intelligent conversation with. How hard is it to use a prophylactic? Or even better - keep it in your pants. A twelve year old recently gave birth somewhere in Europe, and what did she tell the interviewer? "I will not play with toys any more. I have a new toy now." What on earth are parents teaching their children today?
Kids are meant to be riding their bicycles not riding each other! Mums and Dads, it's not kidnapping if you lock your own child in the house at night. When I was at school we got the theory based sexual education, we didn't go out to try the practical.
There's plenty of other things to do with your time kids! There's plenty of other ways to get exercise. American Pie was not intended as a documentary for f__k's sake! Once upon a time a guy had to get permission off the young lady's father before courting her. These days the parents are the last to know... which in some ways might be a good thing but come on! When Mummy discovers Daddy's little girl is up the duff by reading it on facebook we know there is something epically wrong with society. How hard is it to let your child have a life while keeping control of it? At some point the parent has to gradually step back and say "OK kiddo, it's your life, you're making all your own decisions." That point should not be while the kid still hasn't sprouted pubic hair.
What is right? What is Wrong? Should I write a poem or compose a song? Battle the day and embrace the night, Is it wrong or is it right?
Face each challenge with open arms, Keep those we love free from harm, If we could by any means, Life would be a come true dream.
Life. What is life exactly? A mere collection of experiences? A small step in a greater journey? An almighty power's little game? Is life predetermined? Do we make our own decisions? Is proven fact truth or just an opinion? What is truth? What is life? Is it the pursuit of knowledge? The pursuit of truth? The pursuit of happiness? Is life all about the challenge of finding a mate and producing offspring to keep the species alive long after we die?
What is death? Is it the end of consciousness? Is the consciousness the true being? Does it exist without the body? If we are reincarnations should we not be able to access memories from past lives? If we are all meant to be paired with a certain individual do we find them again in the next life? What is life?
Surely if life is pointless, if nothing we do matters in the grand scheme of things, if there really is no grand scheme, if there really is no reason or purpose, then why are we here? The answer according to me: There is no reason, we are here, get on with it, everything could disappear tomorrow. But in the end it doesn't matter. So what does matter? We could save the planet from pollution today and tomorrow it will be engulfed by the sun. In an instant we cease to exist. What was it all for? Nothing really.
The way I see it, we have the time that we have. In that time we have the potential, the opportunity to do whatever we want. We can do whatever physics and time will allow us. So the geniuses will focus on making life changing breakthroughs, the philosophers will sit back and think about everything and ultimately do nothing, the greedy and selfish will take what they can, the vindictive and petty will cause problems for others at any opportunity, the helpful and generous will do their best to do fix what they can. Why? To make themselves feel better? Because it's their nature? Because they were raised that way? Because it's the easiest thing they know how to do? For their own individual reason? Or for no reason at all?
Personally, I do what I do, I like who I like, I hate who I hate and I love who I love, that's just me. Cross the line, I cross you off the Christmas list. I feel everyone is entitled to one major mistake. I'm attracted to brunettes with brown eyes. I'm more attracted to a nice personality than a nice body. I will go out of my way to help friends in need. If I invite you, I got you covered. If you have a problem, I will listen. Need a hug? My arms are open. I'll be polite and hold the door. I don't talk for the sake of talking, I say my piece leave it at that. I remember little things like friend's birthdays, favourite colours, and how much milk and sugar they have in their coffee. Other things I forget more easily such as appointments.
Life is made up of little things. Little things matter. Little things effect big things. It's not just what you know, it's not just who you know. It's not just what you know about who you know. Murphy's Law comes into play more than Karma. Trust takes ages to build and seconds to destroy. It's easier to fall in love with a friend than to become friends with a lover. Imperfections are not always a bad thing. A person with no visible imperfections is hiding something. First impressions do not always last. Opinions change. Rules change. People change. You can't make everyone happy all the time, there's no point in trying. You can make your self happy, you can make those close to you happy. Your true friends are still your friends if they don't like your other friends. Your true friends won't pressure you, they will support you in one way or another.
I'm not saying this is all right, just something to contemplate.