Normal You Say?

There's some weird people around and they're closer to home than one might expect. There are weirdos, oddballs, and nutjobs everywhere you look. Can't people just be normal? Well... no.

Individuality has robbed us of our normality. For something to be normal it must be like the group it is a part of. Show me a normal person and I'll show you a contradiction in terms.

Come On

Doing nothing is the most tiring excersise there is. Sitting idly and doing your best to pay attention to some talking head in front of you for hours on end can take a lot out of you. But I realised today that I've either forgotten a lot of stuff or it's locked away deep inside my brain where I can't readily access it until some one says something that unlocks the door and brings it all back one piece at a time which did help tp hold my interest to some degree.

Can't wait til 4:30 rolls around.

First Day

Well today was an adventure of sorts. Waking up at some ungodly hour of the morning in order to get to TAFE over an hour early to get a decent parking spot. I should be able to finish reading Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers before the end of term at this rate. Started today, just past the part where Aragorn says "Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall." Which in the movie is a few minutes, but the book, it's ages!

Anyway, film class tomorrow, looking forward to it too, after today's long and drawn out orientation. And now I have homework because I came nowhere near finishing the little research task that is realistically half to a full day's work... we were given less than two hours. Maybe it's the slow brain of the start of the year or the teacher's idea of plenty of time is about a quarter of a normal person's. There's no excuse for not having it done by the next week, but it just wasn't happening for any of us today.

Couldn't get out of there fast enough when 4:30 came around. I was home for less than an hour before training. Home again three hours later. Looks like this will be my typical Monday for some time.

One More Day

Monday's the big day. It's the early start. It's the half hour drive to get to TAFE to get my brain out of holiday mode and into some form of organised chaos. It means getting there before 8:00 in the morning if I wan't a decent parking spot then wait for ages for class to start. Could be a good thing I bought a new book today seeming I haven't got myself a PSP yet.

Oh and with all the rain we've had the causeway will be closed which means going the long way.

At least TAFE is only a quick walk from the nearest Westfield so I might start getting fitter again. Stranger things have happened.


I want to sleep. I want to sleep and dream of a better life. Then I want to wake up to find I'm living that better life. Isn't that what everyone thinks at one stage or another? Life is shit, I want a better one? The fact is that there is no such thing as the perfect life. If there was we would all be living in luxury on our own, with no debts, bills, or money trouble of any kind, we would instinctively know we the second we meet our soul mate and avoid the hassles of courting, our friends would show up the instant we needed them, family would back off instead of step in, and we would all have super high speed internet with unlimited downloads.

We can but dream.

Here & Now

A few birds chirp outside my window, the dog scratches herself at the foot of my bed, chicken nuggets are heating in the oven, I have a glass of icy cold sarsaparilla and I'm laid back with the laptop typing away whatever comes to mind. This is the life.

Why Is It So?

What is it with all these drunken yobbos showing up to ruin the atmosphere in my favourite pubs and clubs? The minute I find a nice quiet place to have a meal, a drink or two, a few games of pool, and audible conversation with people some brainless wonder walks in with his rowdy mates to put the juke box on, scream at the television, half yell half mumble obscenities at the bar staff, shout insults at each other and somewhere in the middle of all this find the time to have a private conversation at the top of their lungs.

You're off the football field now dick head, the game ended over an hour ago. Stop tackling the furniture.

It wouldn't happen in a library. It rarely happens in a café. But as soon as you bring alcohol into the mix these idiots revert to a state of pre-civilisation. I do hope I'm not the only one who finds this behaviour both pointless and irritating. Anyway, a new day has dawned, I'm off to see what fruit the branches have to offer.


So the pub was shit but karaoke was a blast even though I was driving so just drank coke and water. I now know I shouldn't sing anything by P!nk. But I most likely still will because after I came out with U + Ur Hand all the guys (well the three if us that were still there) all sang girls songs which was both strange and funny at the same time. Oh and there was red and blue flashing lights on Macquarie Street as I drove home so I hope my mates got home in one piece. Oh well, time to hit the sack I think.

Good English Weather

Rain and thunder, a nice start to the morning. The humidity is going to be a real bitch though. I guess at some point today I will have to force myself into the shower, and possibly even drag myself out of the house for a haircut. Oh, what a struggle life is.

Planning The Future

The best laid plans of mice and men are generally the ones that never come to fruition. Sitting in quiet contemplation I vaguely remember my childhood dreams and realise how ridiculous some of them were but also how realistic others were. One thing I never dreamed of was being a fire fighter but here I am after 8 years in the New South Wales Rural Fire Service. In another two years I can get that ten years long service medal. I've served under three different captains, during my time in my local brigade. How time flies when you're having fun.

When I was five I was all set to grow up and become Superman or something equally stupid. When I was 12 I was going through to university then on to become a police officer. Once I hit high school and puberty reared its ugly head I quite literally and simply didn't know. Towards the end of high school teaching had become a distinct possibility. I was out of high school and into college enrolled in both I.T. and Natural Area Restoration. I dropped the tree hugger rubbish half way though because I.T. was where my future was taking me. A few years later I'm enrolled in a multimedia course with ideas of looking into a film/television career but I'm only really enrolled in it because it's something to do while I wait to hear from the Department of Corrective Services to go through their interviews and tests and training course and hopefully onto a guard position.

People say life is what you make it. That's a load of bullshit if you ask me. Life is the amalgamation of your surroundings, relationships, obstacles, trials and tribulations that are put upon you whether you plan them or not. Life is not what you make it, life is what you have to make it through. It's what you have to live with, cope with, enjoy, or try to hide from. Cut yourself off from the world if you will, but then there is no life, only an empty existence. So take each day as it comes, have fun, take risks, walk faster, drive slower, smell the roses, buy a pair of roller blades - you know you want to.

Falks In The Road

Which way does one go when both paths are unclear? Both options are a way forward in theory. A straight and smooth road can be an easy ride but how does one improve when there are no challenges? Take the rocky incline? But then how does one reach the end when the obstacles become too great? Does one go through, over, under, or around an obstacle or turn back to take the other road? Is it not true that everyone has their limit? Does one say "Fuck your roads,I'm going bush."?

Is there really any great feeling of satisfaction upon achieving something or is it simply relief that the challenge is over?

Is there any such thing as a mutually beneficial compromise or is it a mutual sacrifice?

Is there any such thing as free will or is it destiny?

Is there any such thing as originality or has it all been done?

Is there any such thing as inspiration or is it spontaneity?

Does anyone really care or is it all an act?

Does anyone truly believe or is it fear of the unknown?

Does one put faith in a higher power or take responsibility for one's own actions?

Something to think about when feeling philosophical.